Counselor Spotlight - Ryann Rich, LPC-Associate, Supervised by Lauren Coats, LPC-S

this week on the blog…

We would love to introduce you to Ryann Rich one of the LPC-Associates here at Rockwall Counseling and Wellness. Ryann is being supervised during her work by our owner, Lauren Coats, LPC-S. We are so honored Ryann has chosen to do this work with us, and we know she is a wonderful asset to our team.

Tell us a little about your journey to becoming a counselor. Where did you go to school? What are your degrees in? Are you originally from the Rockwall area?

Becoming a counselor was something I always knew I wanted accomplish and being a part of the helping field was a non-negotiable for me. I am so passionate about my job and could not imagine being in any other occupation😊 I got my Bachelors of Science degree in Rehabilitation Services at Stephen F. Austin State University, and completed my Masters of Science degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at The University of North Texas at Dallas shortly after. I was born and raised in Rockwall, (JFND!!!) and am currently residing in Uptown, Dallas!

What type of therapy are you most passionate about? Why?

I am most passionate about working with teens and young adults. I have worked with all ages and welcome anyone who is seeking out counseling for the betterment of their mental health!

If you could have any job besides the one you have now, what would you want to be doing?

I would probably be working with the special needs population in some form or fashion. I was raised with my special needs older brother, Andrew, and have been employed with rehabilitation centers of mentally disabled adults while in graduate school, which is something I enjoyed tremendously. I have so much love for these people and would be happy working with them as a career!

Who in your life do you most look up to? Why?

I look up to my mom and sister the most. They are both amazing role models not only through their Christian faith, but in many other aspects as well. My mom has always been my rock throughout my life, and my sister’s strength is something I have always admired. I am extremely blessed with an amazing and close-knit family who I feel constant support from!

What would you say to someone who is considering starting therapy, but doesn’t know if it’s worth the time or money?

I think everyone can benefit from going to counseling at least once in their life. It is an investment in yourself and can help you in so many ways. I recommend it to anyone and everyone 😊

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

Dog person 100% (I am biased to Basset Hounds specifically)

Do pineapples belong on pizza?

Unfortunately, I cannot get behind this idea!

What’s your favorite place to go out to eat in Rockwall?

Either Edo Japan for sushi, Joe Willies, Zanata or Chiloso, of course!

What do you like to do in your free time?

I would consider myself to be a social butterfly, so I love to spend time with my friends, family, and boyfriend. I also love crafting and photography 😊

What’s your favorite time of year?

I love all season except when it is 30 degrees outside – Texas girl through and through!

Tell us a little about your family.

My family consists of my mom (Lisa), brother (Andrew), sister (Darby), brother-in-law (Marco), my sweet baby niece (Richie), and one nephew on the way (Name is TBD)! My dad passed away from cancer when I was 18 - I always want to include him, because he was such an amazing dad, a huge part of my life, and a big reason why I am a therapist today!

What is your favorite place to visit?

Any beach!!!

If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I would choose my late dad - I would love to catch him up on life since he has been gone and give him the biggest hug imaginable. Can’t wait for that reunion one day!

Are you more introverted, extroverted, or a mixture of both?

Definitely extroverted 😊